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We having separate departments like HR Ddepartment, Accounts Department, SPPP Tender Department, GeM Tender Department for the fast and smooth fucntioning of the company. All the departments are working in syncronisation to each other which makes to complete our projects in time.

HR Department

HR deapartment deals with admin control of the company and presently Mrs. Monika is the Head of department of HR.All the general admin works like recruitment , discipline, timings is done by her.

Human resources management (HRM) considers employees the company’s most valuable asset. Therefore, it sets up and supervises various actions to develop the human capital and talent of a company. A department of HR takes care of employee motivation and wellness, compensation, benefits, recruitment, organizational development, safety, employee relations and training. HR plays a strategic role in business management and the implementation of workplace culture. If effective, it can contribute significantly to the company’s overall success.

A human resources department manages more than administrative tasks. It implements the strategic use of employees and the development of programs that will impact the business in positive ways.


The accounting department refers to the division in a firm that looks after the preparation of financial statements, maintenance of general ledger, payment of bills, preparation of customer bills, payroll, and more.

Accounts is responsible for managing the overall economic front of the business. It is impossible for any business, whether a small firm operating out of home or a large multinational company, to function for too long without an accounting department.

The accounting department plays a vital role in running a business. It helps track revenue (money in) and expenses (money out) while ensuring compliance with all statutory requirements. It also provides quantitative financial information to management, lenders, investors, and other stakeholders, who use it to make informed business decisions.

GeM Tenders

GeM is a short form of one stop Government e-Market Place hosted by DGS&D where common user goods and services can be procured.

GeM is the National Public Procurement Portal; an end end online online Marketplace Marketplace Government & State for for Central Central Government Departments, Central & State Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Institutions and Local Bodies, for procurement of common use Goods and Services.

The main advantage of GeM is online access to all the government departments all over India. New features like custom bids and BOQs are a real boon. Dashboards are seller-friendly for monitoring the supplies and payment. Grievance redressal through the incident management process is great. We look forward to doing more business on GeM.

SPPP Tenders

The eProcurement System of Rajasthan enables the Tenderers to download the Tender Schedule free of cost and then submit the bids online through this portal.

The Rajasthan State Public Procurement Portal of Government of Rajasthan has been set up in pursuance of provisions of section 17 of Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 2012. It is accessible to general public so as to enable them to know about the activities of public procurement of goods, works and services by Department of State Government, State Public Sector Enterprises, anybody covered under the ambit of the Act.

The portal has provisions for such bodies to publish their Bid Enquiries, Pre-qualification documents, Bidder registration documents, Bidding documents, amendments, clarifications including those pursuant to Prebid conference, and corrigenda thereto, list of pre-qualified and registered bidders, list of bidders excluded under section 25, with reasons, decisions under section 38 and 39, Award of Contract and details of successful Bids, their prices and bidders, particulars of bidders who have been debarred.


Teamwork improves workplace culture. RC Enterprises having good team of staff.Teamwork is important for organizations, especially in today’s highly digital world. Studies show that organizations that emphasize teamwork innovate faster, see mistakes more quickly, find better solutions to problems, and attain higher productivity.

Ramesh Choudhary


Ram Niwas Choudhary

Senior Manager

Nihal Singh

Senior Accountant

Durga Lal


Vishnu Choudhary

Tender Executive

Deep Chand Saini

Store Manager

Kanha Chopra

Lisioning Officer

Anil Shakya

GeM Tender Manager

Man Singh

House Keeping Staff

Ramesh Namdev


Kanha Chopra

Lisioning Officer

Himanshu Sharma

Asst. GeM Tender Executive

Man Singh

House Keeping Staff

Our Clients

Your company’s most vital asset is its customers, so you need to make sure you’re dealing with your customers properly. Without them, you would not, and could not, exist in business. Sure, you can attract new customers with unique products, free gifts, or reducing your prices; but if you’re not creating relationships with them, they’re not going to return or recommend you. We appreciate and love all our clients.

Staff More than 150 staff

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Departments Presently we giving ours services in more than 50 departments in India

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Test Labs All Materials supplied by us having test certificate from govt lab like NABL, CPRI

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Awards We have been awarded more than 15 awarsd for our best supply and services

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Our other fields of works and subsidaries firms.

Prince Enterprises

Consequuntur sunt aut quasi enim aliquam quae harum pariatur laboris nisi ut aliquip

Royal Prince Hotel

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt


Aut suscipit aut cum nemo deleniti aut omnis. Doloribus ut maiores omnis facere

Prem Enterprises

Expedita veritatis consequuntur nihil tempore laudantium vitae denat pacta

Submit Resume

Magnam dolores commodi suscipit. Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem. Sit sint consectetur velit. Quisquam quos quisquam cupiditate. Et nemo qui impedit suscipit alias ea. Quia fugiat sit in iste officiis commodi quidem hic quas.

Submit Your Resume/CV Here.


About Us

RC Enterprises took the first step in 2008 and having annual turnover of more than 60 crore.We have served all our customers with awesome productivity and never traded off with quality till date.We are registered on MSME, GeM Portal, SPPP, CPPP, IREPS portals

RC Enterprises - A trustful name with better Service & Work.

RC Enterprises deals in LT & HT cables, DG sets, Dehumidifers , Fire extinguishers, All types of Batteries & cells , Printer Papers, Solar lights & panels.

  • We are E-1 class electrical contratcor and supplied and installed more 5000km of LT & HT cables.
  • We are leading supplier of DENSON brand jointing kit in Rajasthan and complted more than 100 project of High mast installation.
  • We supply and install all types of batteries all over India.We are having huge experience in batteries like automotive, Industrial, Railway batteries, EV vehicle batteries etc.
  • We are having expeience in CCTV & secuirty system installation and provide round the clock after sales service.
  • We deals in all types of Fire extinguisher products and having dealership of Atasee, Ultra Fire, Lifeline Saftey, Kanex, Safepro etc.

Contact Us

RC Enterprises is easily locateable by means of phone numbers, email addresses, location maps, website, facebook, twitter,Instagram,Linkedin etc, We having ou corporate office at very Prime location of locatin which is easily reachable by any person.

Our Address

B-154,Prince Palace, Bhura Patel Marg
Bhairav Nagar, Ayodhya Nagar
Jaipur -302021, India

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